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Disconnect to Connect

In the world of likes, shares, hashtags and algorithms, take a break for a reality check.

You probably have realised how social media creates a false perception of reality, people flaunting highlights of their lives and we get hooked on the social comparison game.
Let’s go for a Social Media Cleanse!
#1 Download a Social Media Detox App to hide some apps for a period of time
#2 Go offline for a day and see how it goes
#3 Delete the apps that you can live without
#4 Leave your handphone out of reach before bedtime
You don’t have to give up social media altogether, you could take a break once a week. So take baby steps to cut down the time spend on social media and focus on using the time to pursue something that brings you real joy. In no time, you would understand your relationship with your device and how to create a healthier relationship with the various platforms.